Friedel-like oscillations in carbon nanotube quantum dots

Author(s): Ayuela A, Jaskólski W, Pelc M, Santos H, Chico L


The interface states of all-metallic carbon nanotube quantum dots are studied based on a tight-binding approach and a Green’s function matching technique. We have found that depending on the type of metallic tube, the energy of interface states may show an oscillatory behavior. We identify these as steamming from Friedel oscillations. We comment on the possible implications of this finding on other physical properties, such as stability during the growth of nanotube junctions and magnetic interaction through carbon nanotubes.

We acknowledge financial support by the ETORTEK (NANOMAT) program of the Basque government, the Intramural Special Project (Ref. No. 2006601242), the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Grants No. Fis 2007-66711-C02-C01 and MAT2006-06242) and the European Network of Excellence NANOQUANTA (NM4-CT-2004-500198).

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