Global production and consumption of animal source foods

Author(s): Speedy AW


This article provides interpreted statistics and information on global livestock production and the consumption of animal source foods from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations statistical data base. Country data are collected through questionnaires sent annually to member countries, magnetic tapes, diskettes, computer transfers, websites of the countries, national/international publications, country visits made by the FAO statisticians and reports of FAO representatives in member countries. These data show that livestock production is growing rapidly, which is interpreted to be the result of the increasing demand for animal products. Although there is a great rise in global livestock production, the pattern of consumption is very uneven. The countries that consume the least amount of meat are in Africa and South Asia. The main determinant of per capita meat consumption appears to be wealth. Overall, there has been a rise in the production of livestock products and this is expected to continue in the future. This is particularly the case in developing countries. The greatest increase is in the production of poultry and pigs, as well as eggs and milk. However, this overall increase obscures the fact that the increased supply is restricted to certain countries and regions, and is not occurring in the poorer African countries. Consumption of ASF is declining in these countries, from an already low level, as population increases.

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